Supervisory board
The Supervisory Board is Gespa’s executive body. It consists of five members including its president. Two commission members each are from French and German-speaking Switzerland, while one member is from Italian-speaking Switzerland (canton of Ticino).
The president and the supervisory board members are nominated by the Swiss cantonal executives; they are elected for a (renewable) 4-year term by the Conference of Cantonal Directors – Money Games (FDKG).
Jean-Michel Cina
Lawyer, former member of the cantonal government of Wallis, Switzerland
Vice President
Kathrin Hilber, lic. phil.
Independent consultant and mediator,
former member of the cantonal government of St. Gall, Switzerland
Pascal Mahon, Prof. Dr.
Professor Emeritus of Swiss and Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Neuchâtel, VD
Valeria Canova Masina, lic. iur.
Legal Counsel, mediator and coach, TI
Mirjam Weber, MSc
Member of the Executive Board and Head of Counselling, Services and Education at the Swiss Cancer League, Canton of Bern