Access blocking
For many years foreign operators largely based in offshore states have been offering gambling on the internet in Switzerland. Their foreign headquarters enable them to evade monitoring by Swiss authorities and to defy Swiss law.
Offering money games from abroad is illegal under the Federal Act on Gambling and subject to prosecution under criminal law. The Gambling Act’s provisions on the restriction of access to unauthorized online gambling are aimed at preventing access to online money games that can be reached from Switzerland but whose operators lack a proper licence. Gespa and the Federal Gaming Board FGB have legal mandates to publish blocklists of domain names under which unlicensed foreign money games are offered.
Internet service providers in Switzerland are obliged to take measures to prevent access to these domains (DNS blocking).
The publication of both the initial versions of the blocklists and subsequent modifications will be announced in the form of a general ruling in the Swiss Federal Gazette.
These measures will contribute to purging the Swiss gambling market of foreign operators who regularly fail to take appropriate steps against fraud, money laundering and problem gambling and who pay no taxes or other levies in Switzerland.

Here we provide both current and past versions of Gespa’s blocklist of domain names of foreign gambling operators to be blocked (PDF files).
If you are an internet service provider in Switzerland, please find technical information on access blocking below.
Current Blocklist
- Blocklist from 26.11.2024 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 27.08.2024 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 28.05.2024 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 27.02.2024 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 28.11.2023 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 26.09.2023 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 29.08.2023 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 30.05.2023 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 29.11.2022 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 03.05.2022 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 05.10.2021 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 15.06.2021 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 08.12.2020 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 18.08.2020 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 19.05.2020 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 17.03.2020 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 26.11.2019 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 08.10.2019 (Signature)
- Blocklist from 03.09.2019 (Signature)
Blocklist - SFGB
The blocklist of the Swiss Federal Gaming Board SFGB can be found here.
Information for internet service providers (ISP)
If you are an internet service provider (ISP) in Switzerland, please find technical information on access blocking below.
Providers obliged to implement access blocking are invited to register with our e-mail-based alert service. Registered internet service providers will automatically receive an e-mail whenever Gespa’s blocklist is modified (note however that such e-mails are not a substitute for the official announcement in the Federal Gazette; only the latter has legal force).
Technical support
Registration Reporting Service
Please register if you would like to be informed without obligation as soon as a new version of our blocklist has been published (only for ISPs):