Illegal gambling offers
A wide and attractive range of legal gambling opportunities is available in Switzerland. Nevertheless, unlawful gambling is a persistent problem. When Gespa becomes aware an offence within its area of responsibility, it initiates administrative procedures and/or reports the case to the responsible prosecution authority.
Only Swisslos and Loterie Romande are licensed to run lotteries and sports betting in Switzerland. Offers by any other operator are illegal. Gespa has internet providers block such operators’ access to the Swiss market.
Note that advertising of unlicensed lotteries and sports betting is also prohibited. This includes the placement of links to websites offering unlicensed lotteries or betting.
Online gambling and so-called “land-based” gambling cannot always be sharply distinguished. Thus some unlicensed foreign betting operators can nevertheless be reached in Switzerland by way of betting terminals (computers and betting machines connected to the internet). Such terminals can sometimes be found in places like restaurants, bars, clubhouses, food stalls or internet cafés. These locations thus act as illegal Swiss outlets for the foreign providers.
Anyone offering or advertising illegal lotteries or sports betting in Switzerland should be aware that Gespa may initiate legal steps against them. In contrast, players of illegal online gambling are not liable to prosecution. They do risk, however, that stakes and winnings will be confiscated in the course of criminal proceedings against illegal providers. What is more, Swiss authorities for obvious reasons are unable to verify the correct operation of the games and the proper handling of your personal data (including credit card details) by illegal operators.
If you have any questions regarding the legality of a specific gambling activity, or if you know of potentially illegal cases of lotteries, sports betting, skill games or sales-promotion games, you may contact us anytime using the online reporting form. We will follow up any plausible information, even if provided anonymously.

Cooperation with law enforcement agencies – fighting the illegal market
In the fight against illegal gambling, Gespa closely collaborates with cantonal police departments and prosecuting bodies, as well as with the Federal Office of Police and further authorities if required by the case at hand.
Gespa’s specialists sensitize law enforcement agencies to phenomena like illegal lotteries and betting and provide expertise. They advise police forces in criminal investigations and regularly assist in searches and other police measures. Gespa supports prosecution authorities in analysing evidence and by compiling official reports and templates for interrogation of witnesses and defendants charged with breaching gambling regulations.
To contact Gespa’s experts on illegal gambling, please use the reporting form.