Small-scale poker tournaments
Within strict limits, poker games are permissible also outside casinos.
In the structure of Swiss gambling regulation, “small poker tournaments” figure as a subcategory of small-scale games and are accordingly licensed and supervised by cantonal authorities. Federal law puts limits on entry fees and on the number of events per day and location. If organisers host or tolerate illegal games at their locations, they risk losing their reputation and thus their chances of being granted permissions in the future.
In order to be able to license small poker tournaments in their jurisdiction, the cantons will first have to establish the necessary cantonal legislation, in which they may impose further restrictions. The cantons are invited to contact Gespa for any questions on the regulation of poker tournaments.

Gespa recommends that before organising poker tournaments, the legal situation should be checked with the responsible authorities of the relevant canton.
For contact details of the responsible bodies, please consult: